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Tackling Restaurant Waste: Biodiesel and biochar

Mission Statement
Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing humanity today and the steps we take now define the future of our planet. One of the contributors to climate change is the greenhouse gas emissions that emerge from food waste. In the United States alone, food waste generates the equivalent of 37 million cars’ worth of emissions. In an attempt to tackle this life-threatening problem, we decided to reduce the waste produced by restaurants specifically. Restaurants create about 15 liters of waste cooking oil a day and about 33 billion lbs of solid food waste each year. These products, while in the landfill release methane. However, these "waste" products are valuable feedstocks for making energy. Biochar sequesters 80% of the carbon contained in the original food waste with 20% of the volume. This means the creation of biochar disallows this carbon from re-entering the atmosphere. While improper disposal of waste cooking oil can cause street sludge and fatbergs, it can be turned into biodiesel, a carbon-neutral fuel. Restaurants have access to valuable feedstocks that, if utilized, can be a strong asset in reversing climate change.
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