Tackling Restaurant Waste: Biodiesel and biochar

About the Stove:
Biochar is made from biomass being heated at high temperatures with low oxygen. Not only is it used to create biodiesel, It is great for water purification, air purification and it is an energy source. Biochar can be made from the food waste restaurants create. This not only decreases food that ends up in landfills but also creates energy that restaurants can use.
Instructions for Use:
Place the biochar furnace next to near the restaurant’s stove for accessibility and minimum difficulty.
Fill the outer ring of the furnace with biomass, any plant or animal material such as food waste or cardboard from the restaurant.
Fill the inner ring with flammable material such as wood.
Light the inner ring on fire, heating the outer ring and causing pyrolysis of the biomass.
Latch the upper funnel on top of the furnace once the outer ring is filled and the inner ring is lit on fire.
Connect a tube to the funnel that leads to the restaurant’s cooking stove.
Holes at the base of the inner ring let out waste gas from the biomass which then travels up an inner tube. The gas burns or releases into the upper funnel, syphoned to light the stove for cooking within the restaurant.
Finally, when the biochar is formed, pull the bottom of the furnace out and the biochar will fall into a box sitting below.
Put the bottom of the furnace back and refill the furnace’s rings.
Repeat the above steps to produce more biochar.